Award at Cooling Awards

Eco ice CEO Dr. Bellmann accepts the Cooling Award by Federal Minister Barbara Hendricks / Photo: Phil Dera
Berlin, April 11, 2016
Eco ice Kälte GmbH was amongst the winners at the German Cooling Award 2016. The ceremony took place during the symposium “Climate protection: cooling and air conditioning technology in the energy revolution”.
There is no doubt about who the winners of the German Cooling Award will be in 2016 ( Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks awarded the nine winners on Monday evening in Berlin. Eco ice Kälte GmbH is on the starting line for the cooling award with their innovation cold from natural gas. Third place and prize money of 2,500 Euro were awarded for this. The winners will use the prize money for the development and distribution of the winning projects.

Delighted with the award (from left to right): Dr. Günter Bellmann, Peter Otto and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Braun / Photo: Phil Dera
Efficient cooling technology as a contribution to a climate-friendly future
Cold and air conditioning systems consume about 16 percent of the total electric energy in Germany and pollute the air considerably. To reduce energy consumption in this area and to come closer to achieving the Federal Government’s climate protection objectives, the Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Building, and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) has been awarding the German Cooling Award since 2008. The award honours and promotes innovative and low-emission technologies. The Federal Environment Ministry organises the German Cooling Award 2016 as part of the National Climate Protection Initiative. The non-profit co2online GmbH takes on organisation of the competition jointly with the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kälte.